Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fun at the Park!

Dear Eloise, 
     Wednesday, September 12th, two days before you turned 7 months old, we went to pick up a few friends from school! First, we picked up Crockett from school. You were asleep when he first got into the car, but woke up as soon as you heard him! You talked to him for a little while. Crockett said that it would be cute if when you were grown up, he could sing the ABC song to you. So I'm sure one day he will. We were talking about how when you are his age, he will be 12 years old! He said that he would be a GROWN UP and would already have a job! He is quite ambitious! After we picked up Crockett, we went and picked up Trey. He was so excited to see you in the car. He did NOT like it when you started crying though! After that, we went and picked up Libby. Her mom works at the school that I used to teach at, and she goes to church with us right now! Libby said it was exciting for us to pick her up in the car rider line, it was the first time ALL year! After we had everyone in the car, we went to the park behind our neighborhood. You swung on the swings and Trey, Crockett, and Libby played tag, cops and robbers, and they played on the exercise equipment. We had a blast! 

I'm sure we will have many more days at the park! 
I love you!

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