Thursday, September 13, 2012

Buh Buh! and Pretty Dresses

Dear Eloise, 
   Lately, you have been saying "Buh Buh" ALLLL the time! You say the B sound a million different ways! You say it REALLY LOUD in a screaming voice, very soft and sweet in a high little voice, or you just repeat it over and over! It is so cute though! You are such a little talker! I wonder where you get that from.....hmm......

This is you talking to your bunny that Bosey gave you for Easter!

This is a picture of you laughing. You have started ducking your head down when you think something is funny! You act like you are embarrassed or shy. It's so cute!

I just thought these sunglasses would be so cute on you! Until you took them off and tried to chew on them and almost choked yourself! Silly

This is you wearing your new dress to church that Ga-momma gave you! 
Purple looks really good on you!

You like to pose with Aunt Summer 
(It's not just me. She think's you are adorable too!)

We have been blessed to be given pretty dresses and fuzzy bunnies, Ellie. I hope you always recognize the sweet thoughts and deeds of others! They love you so much. Me too!

Hanging around the house with Ellie and Mia

Dear Eloise, 
    We have so much fun at home together, and whenever Mia comes to play, we have even more fun! 

Mia likes to push you in your car, but I think she decided
 it looked like too much fun, and she wanted to try it out herself! 

Mia was wondering what the deal was with Max's kennel, so you stopped to watch!

Mia has an activity table, but you still can't stand up yet to play with it, 
but it can also be put on the floor so you both can play on it! 

I think Mia decided she was too big to play with the baby toys 
and wanted to carry around my purse instead! 

Mia has been trying to walk, and so today she decided she wanted to hold onto my pant legs and
walk around with me, step by step! 

You two love my phone! I can't take any pictures without you seeing it! 

I will always cherish these days that I get to spend with you, and I'm so glad we get to share our love with our friend Mia too! 
I love you!

Fun at the Park!

Dear Eloise, 
     Wednesday, September 12th, two days before you turned 7 months old, we went to pick up a few friends from school! First, we picked up Crockett from school. You were asleep when he first got into the car, but woke up as soon as you heard him! You talked to him for a little while. Crockett said that it would be cute if when you were grown up, he could sing the ABC song to you. So I'm sure one day he will. We were talking about how when you are his age, he will be 12 years old! He said that he would be a GROWN UP and would already have a job! He is quite ambitious! After we picked up Crockett, we went and picked up Trey. He was so excited to see you in the car. He did NOT like it when you started crying though! After that, we went and picked up Libby. Her mom works at the school that I used to teach at, and she goes to church with us right now! Libby said it was exciting for us to pick her up in the car rider line, it was the first time ALL year! After we had everyone in the car, we went to the park behind our neighborhood. You swung on the swings and Trey, Crockett, and Libby played tag, cops and robbers, and they played on the exercise equipment. We had a blast! 

I'm sure we will have many more days at the park! 
I love you!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Dear Eloise,
     You are getting TOO BIG! I had to stop taking your pictures in the Moses Basket, because you were too long! So we are going to start taking pictures of bathtime, that way we can keep up with them. Hopefully you won't chew all of the foam letters up! (you already have TONS of bite marks in two of them! :))

I wish you could just stop growing! Where has my tiny little girl gone?? You are growing up so quickly, I can't believe you are already 29 Weeks old!
I love you!

Listening to Maddie

Dear Eloise, 
      We went to go listen to Maddie play at the Hernando Farmer's Market. You had a great time playing outside with me, Grantie Lynne, Katherine, Maddie, and Uncle Rick! You looove outside and you looooove music! It was the perfect combination. You just sat in the grass and talked/spit and listened to the music. Maddie did a great job and we were so glad we went!

You had so much fun, you fell asleep almost immediately when we got in the car! 

I love taking these trips with you, and seeing the joy on your face and on other's face when they see you. You bring so much joy to everyone and you are so important to us. I hope you always know that!
I love you! 


Dear Eloise,
    You have been such a difficult eater these past few weeks! You are SO NOSY! Any time there is any kind of noise, you HAVE to find out what it is and what they are doing!

This is one of the first times you ate rice cereal!

One of the first times you could hold your bottle!

Eating Oatmeal for the first time!

Your Gammy gave you this, so you could drink your bottle all by yourself!

YUMMM carrots! 
Your Uncle Caleb can't stand to be around your food, he says it's nasty!

Let the Difficulties begin! You were SUPPOSED to be eating! But you were too NOSEY!  

Even though you are trying to make it as difficult on me as possible, I wouldn't trade these times for anything! It's a great time that I am able to spend with just me and you! I love you my sweet girl. 